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Case Study 

Solutions for a Sustainable, Efficient and Innovative City

Transforming Urban Living with Advanced IoT Technology
smart city


A progressive city government focused on enhancing urban living through advanced technology and sustainable practices.


The city aimed to improve the quality of services offered to citizens, enhance safety, and reduce environmental pollution. Efficient management of public buildings and lighting systems was also a priority to achieve significant energy savings.


The city faced challenges in managing its resources efficiently, ensuring public safety, and reducing environmental impact. Existing systems were outdated and lacked the capability for remote monitoring and precise management, leading to inefficiencies and higher operational costs.

Urbana’s Solution

Urbana Smart Solutions proposed an IoT-based system that included predictive maintenance with IoT sensors to monitor equipment health and predict failures, real-time asset tracking with sensors to track the location and status of assets, energy management systems to optimize energy usage and identify inefficiencies, and environmental monitoring with sensors to measure temperature, humidity, and air quality.



By implementing Urbana’s IoT solution, the city achieved:

  • Improved air quality and environmental monitoring
  • Significant energy savings in public buildings

  • Enhanced safety and efficiency in public lighting
  • Better traffic management and reduced pollution
  • Optimized parking management
  • Accurate weather forecasting and timely alerts for road conditions

Key Features and Benefits


Air Quality Monitoring

Smart devices monitor temperature, pressure, humidity, and particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10), providing real-time data to improve air quality and public health. Enhancing quality of life.

Energy Consumption Monitoring

Precise monitoring and judicious management of public building systems (electricity, heat, gas, and water) lead to significant energy savings and reduced operational costs. Efficiently managing resources.


Intelligent Public Lighting

Public lighting devices can be managed autonomously, with intelligent energy management systems that configure lighting to turn on and off as needed, enhancing energy efficiency.

traffic light

Traffic Intensity Control

A compact and efficient lateral radar traffic counting system with LoRaWAN® connectivity helps manage traffic flow, reducing congestion and air pollution.


Using Bike Lanes

Sensors integrated with the IoT Platform through the LoRaWAN® network count the number of citizens using bike lanes, encouraging sustainable transportation and reducing traffic congestion.


Parking Management

A system of sensors, cameras, and connected objects coordinated through IoT and AI collects traffic information on the availability of free parking spaces, improving parking efficiency and reducing urban congestion, optimizing the space.


Weather and Environmental Conditions Monitoring

Improving emergency response by collecting data on weather conditions enables more accurate forecasts and better organization of emergency relief. Monitoring road surfaces for ice presence helps alert vehicle drivers in a timely manner, enhancing road safety.

Other Case Studies

glass building

Smart Building

Implementing IoT and automation technologies to improve building management, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort. Applications include smart lighting, HVAC systems, security, and building automation systems.



Enhancing efficiency, safety, and productivity in manufacturing, logistics, and other industrial sectors through innovative IoT applications.

3 people in a lab


Integrating IoT devices and digital health solutions to improve patient care, streamline medical processes, and enhance health outcomes. Applications include remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, and health data analytics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a smart city? 

A smart city uses IoT technology and data analytics to improve the quality of life for its citizens by enhancing urban services, infrastructure, and sustainability.

How does IoT improve air quality monitoring?

IoT devices monitor environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, and particulate matter in real-time, providing data to improve air quality and reduce pollution.

What are the benefits of intelligent public lighting management? 

Intelligent public lighting management optimizes energy usage, reduces costs, and enhances safety by automatically adjusting lighting based on real-time data.

How can IoT solutions help with traffic management? 

IoT solutions use sensors and data analytics to monitor traffic flow, reduce congestion, and lower pollution levels, improving overall urban mobility.

What role does IoT play in energy consumption monitoring? 

IoT systems monitor and manage energy usage in real-time, identifying inefficiencies and optimizing consumption to reduce costs and environmental impact.

How does IoT enhance parking management?

IoT-enabled parking management systems use sensors and cameras to monitor parking space availability, reducing traffic congestion and improving the urban experience.

What are the advantages of using LoRaWAN® for smart city applications? 

LoRaWAN® provides long-range, low-power communication, making it ideal for connecting numerous IoT devices across a city, ensuring reliable data transmission and scalability.

Can IoT solutions be customized for specific city needs? 

Yes, IoT solutions can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of different cities, ensuring that the technology addresses specific challenges and goals.

How does IoT contribute to weather and environmental monitoring? 

IoT sensors collect real-time data on weather and environmental conditions, enabling accurate forecasts and timely alerts to improve safety and preparedness.

How does IoT help with noise management? 

IoT noise management systems monitor urban noise levels in real-time, providing data to control and reduce noise pollution, enhancing the quality of life in urban areas.

Are IoT solutions secure? 

Yes, IoT solutions are designed with robust security measures to protect data and ensure privacy, including encryption and secure data transmission protocols.

Ready to Transform?

Contact us today to learn more about our tailored solutions.