
How to give value
to successful solutions

The right flexibility
in every project.


Dashboard defines a control panel to find all general information, customized according to the user who has access and the projects highlighted. Through intuitive graphics, it is possible to know the global status and access the different areas of interest.


General vision

The dashboard is designed to provide an overview of the information present on the platform. With different features specific to the intended use.


Device monitoring is possible thanks to the organization into groups, sorted by levels according to project needs.


Through credentials, generated by administrative users, it is possible to have access to certain groups or project areas.

Real-Time Data

When it comes to collecting data from devices it is necessary to transform the data into a readable element. This makes understanding and using the platform easier.


The system can provide immediate feedback when a certain condition occurs, reacting by cause-effect relationships.


Device Interaction

The interaction through devices allows for constant communication that guarantees uniform and coordinated performance by all the units involved. More the devices that are connected inside the environment, the bigger is the interaction.

Cause and Effects

Upon detection of certain events by one or more devices, it is possible to customize automatic actions to improve the efficiency of your system. Each action involves response mechanisms according to a cause-and-effect system. Therefore, in the event of warnings, malfunctions, or updates, a response is performed that can be set by the user dynamically.

Smart Automation

The set of relationships, communication, and cause-effect systems make the system autonomous in the operation and interaction between devices.


The user can consult the command’s history, information, and details related to devices and groups. Through a constant survey, it is possible to take advantage of reports customized according to your needs, with the possibility of downloading the document in different ways.


Custom Report

Custom reports ensure a detailed view of the project in which you work, allowing you to analyse specific parameters, chosen by the user, in certain areas of the system to improve its performance.

Download Report

It is possible to download the information report to create your own archive or analyse performance. The download is structured to be downloaded manually or by automatic receipt via email or server.


Thanks to this function it is possible to organize and plan interventions by scheduling them, for example by establishing types of maintenance and responsible users. In this way, you have an organized view of the progress for each action with the ability to export the calendar created or integrate it with the most popular systems such as Outlook, iCal, Google Calendar, etc.


Export Event

Scheduled events can be integrated into third-party software and the most common management systems, to optimize the management and planning of all activities and better coordinate the departments involved.

Event Monitring

For each scheduled event, it is possible to view and update its status to monitor the progress and performance of each activity.

Calendar Integration

Once the event has been planned, the user can integrate it into their calendar in order to facilitate its programming also based on the various operations and interventions already organized.


The device, once installed and configured, is available in the cloud where it will be possible to manage its position on the map (indoor/outdoor) and its positioning within the system (group structure).


Device commissioning

The commissioning of the devices is based on an automatic or manual process. In the first instance, it is a flow based on QR-Code scanned through the mobile app, while in the second one it is necessary to access the serial number of the device and enter it manually in the cloud platform.


Device management passes through communication protocols. These allow you to access the configuration and monitoring phases. For some devices, Bluetooth technology is used for installation while for the remaining functions communication takes place via LoRa and MQTT.


The devices constantly communicate the information detected and their status. These data are analysed and made available to the user who will thus be able to know the status of the project and of the individual devices.


Project management also depends on good system architecture. Therefore, groups become a fundamental key, to be managed in the best possible way through specific but flexible functions, differentiating them so as to organize the system according to the needs of the project.


Flexible Structure

Flexibility and adaptability is the key to achieving success in any project.
The tree structure of the groups provides a subdivision into levels, completely customizable, without limits in the creation of groups and subgroups, thus obtaining maximum flexibility and precision in the construction of the system.


Device management passes through communication protocols. These allow you to access the configuration and monitoring phases. For some devices, Bluetooth technology is used for installation while for the remaining functions communication takes place via LoRa and MQTT.


The devices constantly communicate the information detected and their status. These data are analysed and made available to the user who will thus be able to know the status of the project and of the individual devices.


The users’ creation allows you to better manage your team, associating each user with specific authorizations that will allow you to maintain control of the various tasks.



The administrator can choose different roles to distinguish the different types of users, with predefined configurations of permissions and authorizations.
Alternatively, these can be customized to decide in detail the tasks of each individual user.


The permissions can be associated with all users through roles, with standard configurations, or customized by the administrator. These are divided into general permissions or group permissions. The first manages the most common aspects, while the second manages the aspects relating to the groups to which the user has the access.


A well-managed system requires a good organization in the division of tasks and resources. This is how it becomes important to associate users and groups specifically, creating the relationship where the user can operate and manage according to his permissions.


Through localization, it is possible to check the position and status of the device, but above all to have an overview of the system and the areas of competence, depending also on who monitors the platform. The map can display a single device or group.


Google API

Groups marked as outdoor are represented by geographic coordinates and addresses resolved directly through the Google maps service. This technology allows you to take full advantage of the availability of information already collected by the provider, making the localization experience even richer and updated.

Custom Map

When it comes to indoor spaces, it is harder to visualize the spaces, a problem solved using a function for loading a customized map by the user. On this, you can then enter your devices and subgroups just as an outdoor map.

Device and Group Position

Thanks to the excellent management of indoor and outdoor maps, the position of devices and groups is optimized for any environment. Each device, and each group, is always identifiable according to the position assigned on the map, allowing constant monitoring of the system and devices.


Device monitoring is constant and thanks to this it is possible to identify malfunctions or errors in real-time. These allow, once identified, to highlight critical points and possibly transmit them to the user who will then be able to intervene.



The status becomes a fundamental parameter for monitoring any system. Constant communication with the devices allows you to know the status of the entire system in real-time and to populate a database for more detailed analyses.


The continuous monitoring of the states allows you to compare and analyse the performance of the devices and, when anomalies or failures occur, to show warnings that indicate a probable malfunction, which can be verified by the user.

Custom Notifications

To enrich the entire monitoring function, it is possible to add personalized notifications by sending emails, ensuring the user is constantly updated on the status of the device and the entire system.


The API allows you to connect different software, including cloud platforms. Through this technology, it is possible to receive the data, processed and/or raw, on its own platform directly from the Urban API. In a simple and clear way, it will be possible to integrate your system of finalized data and not as if they came directly from the device.

Custom Integration

Based on the needs of projects Urbana is able to provide customized integration. The understanding of the needs and the search for the best data flow allows reaching the best solution to ensure support to designers.

Urbana API (GraphQL, Rest)

Urbana provides various solutions for integration with standard and consolidated technologies, such as Rest API, and more innovative, such as GraphQL. The last makes it possible to obtain data from different sources with a single call, simplifying the integration process.

Go to documentation
Easy Documentation

The documentation guides the user through the entire integration process, thanks to Urbana API (link) you can then access the entire list of endpoints and start working on the best solution for integration into any software.


For some types of solutions, it becomes necessary to be able to trace the data according to variable parameters, for this it is possible to create programs that allow calculating consumption or employment by time slots or by adjustment points. These will allow the monitoring of the performance of individual devices or groups.


Extended Device Function

This feature allows you to go beyond the performance of the device, enriching the data collected according to the needs of the project. It will then be possible to analyse any anomalies, and overall to generate estimates of expenditure or profit.

Monitoring and Performance

Considering the devices that make up the plant, thanks to the programs, it becomes easier to analyse and monitor performance. You can generate different graphs by aggregating the data collected and generated by the programs, so there will be immediate feedback on devices with consumption or performance anomalies.

Data Value

Field devices can detect a mass of data that, once transferred to the cloud, are cross-referenced with the programs, economic or consumption, set previously. The result of this processing takes place in real-time and will produce a useful tool for the analysis of the plant’s performance.


Simplifying user experience and speeding up monitoring processes becomes a key issue when it comes to high performance. For this reason, on aspects such as performance and analysis, templates have been introduced, tools that can be recalled during the most complex processes to give the right support and the right speed.


Quick Program

In the creating flow of a program, economic or performance, you often have to deal with weekly modules. It is therefore helpful to utilize template tool to create, according to the most common cases, templates to be invoked quickly by completing, in a quick but precise way, the implementation of the program.

Report Format

The analysis phases of any project involve high amounts of reports, repeated over time, so as to better analyse the trends. For this reason, in the creation phase, it is essential to put the data in the middle of the process and only in a second time, to establish the period of time that you want to analyse. Using the template function it will be easy to create a data-driven model and receive the report periodically on your email or through sFTP.


The economic data is an important tool to visualize the history of own activity verifying the course in the time. Through this section, it is possible to visualize and compare the history of different devices comparing different economic variables.


Data Value

Field Devices can detect a ton of data that, once transferred to the cloud, are cross-referenced with the economic programs set. The result of this elaboration takes place in real-time and will produce an economic development of the activity.

Real-time Earnings

Within the economic parameters, it is possible to analyse current earnings, which ensure constant monitoring of your business. This can be done using field devices that contribute to the constant acquisition of data.

Estimated Costs

The collection and processing of data allow you to make future forecasts on economic performance, thus allowing you to face a broad economic scenario, offering the opportunity to improve the evolution of your business.


The collection and processing of data allow you to make future forecasts on economic performance, thus allowing you to face a broad economic scenario, offering the opportunity to improve the evolution of your business.


Space monitoring

The monitoring of employment allows detecting movement flows by any person or object.
This system, through devices that detect movements, therefore allows control of spaces and public areas, thus ensuring better management.

Parking Trend

The parking area monitoring allows detecting, through smart devices, the quantity and distribution of vehicles that use the parking, treating data in real-time and always up to date. Thanks to the information collected, it is then possible to use the employment analysis tools to generate graphs able to observe the parking trend.

People Detection

In shopping malls, airports, or any circumscribed location where there is a constant flow of people, it may be necessary to monitor employment flows.
The same health emergency, led to a constant control to verify the number of individuals in a given space, with monitoring it is therefore possible to observe and manage people thus avoiding overcrowding.


It is now becoming important to increase the overall level of safety. The objective is to ensure the physical security of data, but also their accessibility in case of unforeseen events.


During the design phase of IT systems and corporate procedures, to ensure maximum data protection by protecting all customer information, we rely on privacy by design principle. This is a concept enshrined and clarified in Article 25 of the GDPR 2018 within the General Data Protection Regulation.


This system allows data encryption, which is the process of translating a form of data into another format so that unauthorized users cannot decrypt. Only authorized persons can access certain information.

Backup Security

It is important that information is always available, for this reason, to ensure storage availability at all times, the data is always backed up in multiple regions in different instances.