Urbana Smart
Water Grid

Sustainable water management

Water becomes digital

The ability to predict floods, droughts, and sustain aquatic ecosystems needs quantifying components of the hydrologic cycle and the accurate measurement of surface water and groundwater.

In today’s world, hydrologic modeling takes a data-driven approach, with more hydrologic variables at higher temporal resolution. This reduces both the time required in model development and the accuracy of the results.

IoT technology increases the speed and ease of data collection and application management.

Digitization of Water

The process of “digitizing water” has great potential to solve many of the challenges faced by the water sector, with benefits, including business benefits, especially in two areas:

Energy efficiency

By optimizing and controlling the various energy-intensive components of networks and plants

Assets management

Long-term predictive maintenance and replacement planning

Urbana Smart
Water Grid

Urbana created Smart Water Grid, a cloud-based platform that integrates a wide range of wireless sensors that can monitor real-time field data and proper plant operation.

Urbana Smart Water Grid enables early detection of anomalous data and malfunctions. Operators and maintenance technicians can intervene more quickly and effectively.

Waterways level
Extreme rainfall
Water pressure and
salinity control

Device management

The platform checks the real-time status of plants and devices in order:

  • to highlight the proper functioning of sensors and alarms from different types of systems: abnormal stream or reservoir levels, extreme rainfall, leaks in the distribution network, abnormal pH levels, etc.
  • to highlight the operational status of system so as not to suffer disruption.
  • to detect anomalies to automatically initiate the appropriate actions (email alerts or with triggers to other devices such as sirens, closing barriers, etc.).

User can scan QR codes on the devices and manage them directly in the platform. The platform also allows for full maintenance and monitoring of device repair and service operations.

Areas of intervention

Our solutions

Reclamation Consortia

  • Water-level metering
  • Water pressure and Salinity metering
  • Rainfall quantity measurement, radiation, wind direction and wind speed
  • Level, temperature, and electrical conductivity


  • Water flow measurement up to 4 cubic meters per hour –Line Leaks
  • Water flow measurement up to 100 cubic meters per hour –Line Leaks
  • Level, temperature, and electrical conductivity measurement
  • Water pressure and Salinity metering
  • Water-level metering
  • Chlorine level measurement.


  • Water-level metering
  • Water pressure and Salinity metering

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